Sound the Alarm

Sound has been one of the most pressing issues for me moving forward with this project.  I had prior worked out the recording of audio by using phones at different points in these scenes but then I realized during editing the problems that this occurred.  Due to the alley next to my house having a generator the background hum of it could be heard louder in some audio clips and quieter in others.  This began to become a problem that puzzled me as audio would be perfect yet the background noise would be completely different from the prior clip.  Luckily, I managed to figure out a solution that balanced this issue.  Audacity. A blog titled Podfeet Podcasts gave a detailed step by step process on how to lower as well as eliminate background noise which I followed in order to finally put the infamous generator's buzz to rest.

Another issue that was quickly resolved was the flicking through radio stations.  I wanted there to be a mix of radio talk as well as songs as Rob flicked through the different stations but realized but I would then run into copyright issues.  The solution to this was simple, while flipping through the stations I made sure the flips themselves are short and have a small amount of sound before flipping to the next station.  When the station flipped to was playing music I used Audacity to layer royalty free music over those 1 second moments.  I kept the one word radio talk moments and then end the flipping with a royalty free rock song.

How to Remove Noise With Audacity. (2017, December). Retrieved April 06, 2018, from
