Filming Day 2

Day 2 of filming occured on 4/5 and was a tremendous success.  Everyone arrived on time at 8pm in order to emulate the same exact conditions that were set forth in our first filming session.  The first thing I tackled was reshooting any mistakes that had occured during the original filming session that occurred which including fixing the scene of the car driving up so that it is more visible within the seen and not seen as part of the background.

We then moved on to work towards filming the next parts of the opening by the window to my room.  This scene was especially hard to film because we had to delicately balance positioning with lighting and angles in order to not only make characters visible but make the scene progress naturally.  The largest issue was getting Ramiro, the person playing Joaquin, to jump out of the second story window without breaking a bone.  We decided that we were going to use a cut in order to safely film the scene.  We first filmed Ramiro jumping out of the window then afterwards cut to him falling into the bush below.  Instead of falling from the window he instead jumped off of a step ladder to create the same effect.  I still haven't fully examined this scene in editing but it looks promising and seems to be a viable solution.  We ended filming after the jumping scene as it was getting late.

Next session we will round it all out by having the scene of everyone getting into the car and driving off.  It should be quick and no more than 30 minutes.
