Storyboarded Up

So I have started my storyboard and gotten the first about 30 seconds of the film thought up. The issue is i'm not sure at the moment how to follow up this story board. At the moment it ends with one of the characters throwing a rock at the window of the other but there is a lot of routes I can take following that. Do I want the window to break? Should it just make a small tap? Should the tap be recorded from inside or outside the room being hit? Will the person who's room it is be upset at being woken up or be used to it? All of these questions have been worrying me for a bit and it's gotten me stuck at the moment.
I think I want to have the first rock hit the window, then film there being no response from outside. Once the character who threw the rock notices that there was no response he begins to throw more and that's when the view changes to inside. On the inside all that's heard is the constant tapping of rocks on the glass until the sleeping character finally wakes up. But I'm still not sure if that's what I want to do. I will make sure to update once I have figured out the names and personalities of these characters.
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