
I've decided that filming is going to be set in my neighborhood right in front and by my house. This familiarity with the area makes it a lot easier for me to be behind the camera. The location in itself is very symbolic as it looks like a stereotypical middle class house, similar to the house pictured below. This is used to convey the idea of living a boring, cookie-cutter life. Leaving that house behind shows Joaquins movement into a different world of taking chances and risks. I've realized that I do need to get a few things in order to film on location efficiently. I need a ladder in order to get the high angle shots that I want to use, including the shot of the car driving away with the title card overhead. I also need a flashlight in order to provide lighting that will then be dimmed in post (see last blog). I'll probably want the flashlight to be dim enough to make the light not seem unnatural yet have the characters faces still be illu...